Alright, to begin this week's post, I'm going to start with the traditional Wikipedia Article of the Week. This week, it's the For Dummies series (like Computers for Dummies, Illustrator CS for Dummies, Italy for Dummies). Why is this? Well, yesterday I was doing my AP Physics homework (have I complained about how hard that class is yet?) when I nearly gave up, got my dad to take me to the Barnes & Noble downtown, and we bought 2 books and a pack of 600 SparkNotes flashcards to help me with the homework. I owe my grade to Physics for Dummies. Here's the link:
So about that "burning" stake center. Today was stake conference, and it was all going well and quiet, and the President of BYU Provo was speaking (that guy has a great sense of humor), when the fire alarms start blaring. At first, I though it was an technical issue, until the strobe lights began blinding the entire congregation. Well, it wasn't that bad, but still, they were bright.
Anyways, Elder Cecil Samuelson kept up a great sense of humor, and once the alarms stopped blaring, things went back to normal (except for the strobe lights still flashing). Just to make sure I was clear, there was no fire, probably just some faulty wiring or a little tyke with all too curious hands.
That was a memorable meeting:)