Sunday, November 21, 2010

More Than Your Average Eighth Wikipedia Article of the Week

Well, well, well. Another week has come and gone, and that means yet another post. But guess what! I was wrong last week. This post is actually going to be VERY interesting, with viruses, computer errors, and some more.

Alrighty then, to get this out of the way, here's the Wikipedia Article of the Week. So, to coincide with my aforementioned virus, today, I was too sick to go to church. So, I watched BYU TV all day long. I saw one and a half hours of Music and the Spoken Word, The Generations Project, and an episode of LDS Lives. The episode was about... well, you'll find out if you click this link.

To tell you the truth, I expected that article to be much longer. Oh well, at least this article is longer than usual.
I actually got this from one of my friends. Computers can be so funny when they think that they're smarter than you when it comes to grammar. As my computer-centralized uncle said (or says): "The computer is only as smart as the person who programs it." Too true, too true.

Okay, now this one was found by me. Well, my mom saw it before me, but I was the one who recorded this. "The following pages have become unresponsive... kill them." I didn't know that there were internet hit-lists. I guess we learn something new every day, or cada dia for you speakers of Spanish.

This one, I also found. You'll need to click on this.
So, in other news... its been snowing here, on and off all weekend, but it's not going right now. I've also been sick all weekend. Any correlation? ...I hope not. And do you remember that woodpecker from the last post? He's still at it.
